SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - Natural Resources
God as Creator and Giver of all good things
Ge 49:25
by the Almighty who will bless you with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lies beneath, blessings of the breasts and of the womb.
Ps 147:8
He covers the heavens with clouds, prepares rain for the earth, makes grass grow on the hills.
What Resources are there?
- God, his blessing, his revelation, his wisdom, his perspective, his knowledge, his law, his principles, …
- Human mind, thinking, reason, intelligence, will power, emotion, purpose
- Sun heat, sunlight, thermal heat, volcanic heat
- Water, dew, mist, springs, rivers, Artesian wells, sea water, hydro power
- Air, wind, gases
- Wood, bio gas, gas, coal, oil, oil products
- Plants > grains, seeds, pulses, nuts, roots, vegetables, fruits, fragrances, drugs
- Animals > meat, milk, eggs, skins, leather, wool, hair, manure, labor, recognition, information, nutrition, drugs
- Stones, gravel, sand, ores, metals, chemical compounds, …
- Radioactive ores, nuclear power
- Many things may exists that we have not yet recognized as resources. Example: as little as 150 years ago oil was not recognized as a resource.
Basic Thoughts pertaining to Resources
How do I view the world? Are resources limited?
Eastern, Animist, Hindu, Buddhist thinking
- the physical world is less real and less important than the spiritual world, therefore less worth the investment of labor and science
- the physical world is inhabited by spirits, therefore as a human I have no authority to touch things
- events are arbitrary, hostile, un-understandable
- resources are accidental, nonrenewable
Western, Atheist, Modern thinking
- there is no God, morals, eternal life, spirit world, the physical world is the only reality there is
- there is no outside interference by a god
- this physical world is limited and finite
- resources must be finite
- the more people, the less resources per person
Biblical thinking - the physical world is real, good, God-given, worth the investment of labor and science
- the physical world is open to God’s blessing and supernatural interference
- resources are a gift of God, discoverable, usable, possibly renewable
- humans are accountable to moral law with their actions, also their use of resources
Can God … would God … does God interfere in this world?
Eastern, Animist, Hindu, Buddhist thinking
- the spirit world is above the physical world
- spirits may interfere, but in an arbitrary, selfish way
- spirits have no commitment to the well-being of the earth or of humans
Western, Atheist, Modern thinking
- there is no God, morals, eternal life or spirit world
- God cannot, would not, does not interfere
- We are on our own, our own masters, our own saviors, our own problem
Biblical Thinking
- God is committed to this world, its humans
- God can, would and does interfere in this world
- His interference in not arbitrary, but follows his given principles: He answers prayer, blesses obedience
- God gives his wisdom, perspective, law, ability
How do I view the authority, skill, work and effort of humans?
Eastern, Animist, Hindu, Buddhist thinking
- humans have not authority over, rather are submitted to spirits and to nature
- human activity is an attempt at ‘least interference’
- since the world is arbitrary, science & skills are low
- since the world isn’t worthy, effort is only as needed
Western, Atheist, Modern thinking
- Humans have authority over nature, no real accountability to God, earth, future
- Humans believe in natural law, do science, develop skills, make efforts to achieve their goal
- Humans value work as a means to the end: good life
Biblical Thinking
- humans have authority over nature, are commanded to use skill, make an effort at developing the world
- the world is God’s gift, their domain, worth the investment
- humans are stewards accountable to God
- humans are powerful and meant to serve each other
How do I view time, history and the future?
Eastern, Animist, Hindu, Buddhist thinking
- time is on a wheel, everything will back again to where it was. History isn’t going anywhere. There is no real future.
- whatever I do or don’t do as human, makes no real difference. Change is an illusion. Effort is vain. Hope also
- there in real deterioration, there is no real development
Western, Atheist, Modern thinking
- The world and the world’s resources are limited and are running out. Time is running down.
- Humans either try to stem the tide (environmentalism), or make the best out of it for themselves (hedonism).
- There is no real future.
- Pie charts and ‘when resource x will run out’ scenarios
Biblical Thinking
- God controls time & history. He has the future in his hand
- God will bring the world to his intended future: a future of judgment, but also ultimate redemption. God’s purpose will be fulfilled
• Humans, their choices and their efforts will last and even influence eternity. Everything good will last.
Is there a resource scarcity?
De 8:7 no scarcity
For the LORD your God is bringing you into a good land … a land of wheat and barley, of vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive trees and honey, a land where you may eat bread without scarcity, where you will lack nothing, a land whose stones are iron and from whose hills you may mine copper.
- God promises agriculture & mining of resources without scarcity.
- One could argue that this is only a promise for Israel. But Israel is a model for the nations: God models on Israel what he is willing to do for any nation.
- Also, strictly speaking, Israel is not a particularly richly blessed area of the world if modern resource maps are looked at. There are many nations with many more obvious resources.
- Yet God calls Israel 20x in his word the “land flowing with milk and honey” (Ex 3:8, 3:17, 13:5, 33:3, Le 20:24, Nu 13:27, 14:8, 16:13-14, De 6:3,11:9, 26:9,15, 27:3, 31:20, Jo 5:6, Je 11:5, 32:22, Ez 20:6,15). For an example Ex 3:8 “I have come down to deliver them … and to bring them up to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey”.
- We say: Limited resources + growing population = disaster
- We are deeply scripted in ‘scarcity mentality’: Pie charts, exponential population growth curves.
- Yet in the Bible there is a ‘no scarcity’ theme (De 8:7), and on top of that there is a general ‘multiplication’ theme (Ge 1:26, 1:18, De 1:10-11).
- How do we make sense of this? Some thoughts:
What does scarcity or plenty depend on?
Obedience to God > blessing
Le 26:3-5 if you obey > curse, lack, death
If you follow my statutes and keep my commandments and observe them faithfully, 4 I will give you your rains in their season, and the land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit. 5 Your threshing shall overtake the vintage .. and you will live securely in your land.
De 28:15-24 if you disobey > blessing, abundance, life
But if you will not obey the LORD your God … 16 Cursed shall you be … 22 The LORD will afflict you with consumption, fever, inflammation, with fiery heat and drought, and with blight and mildew; they shall pursue you until you perish. 23 The sky over your head shall be bronze, and the earth under you. 24 The LORD will change the rain of your land into powder, and only dust shall come down upon you from the sky until you are destroyed.
- Obedience to God and to his law.
- How does this obedience-dependent blessing work? In two ways:
- ‘Spiritually’: God will bless, will supernaturally intervene, influence weather, crop fertility, growth, health.
- ‘Physically’: If we obey his law, that is: have the mindset described before, if we are indeed hardworking, self-controlled, good stewards, innovative, just, peaceful, clean, wise, etc. then we will never have to face many troubles.
- Truth works. Reality functions. If we live by truth we will see things work.
- Acknowledge the Giver, be thankful and appreciative of the gift, use it well
Justice & Lawfulness
Pr 13:23 The field of the poor may yield much food, but is it swept away through injustice.
- If lawfulness & justice is maintained in a country, powerful & evil people are kept in check, which means normal people will get the fruit of their labor > encouragement of hard work, initiative, innovation > favorable for science & economic development
- The opposite is also true: If in a country unlawfulness is unpunished & injustice prevails > discouragement of saving, long-term thinking, hard work, initiative, innovation > science & economic development hampered
Use of human intellect, abilities and gifts
Ec 10:10 exercise intellect
If the iron is blunt, and one does not whet the edge, then more strength must be exerted; but wisdom helps one to succeed.
Is 28:24-29 being taught on the job
Do those who plow for sowing plow continually? Do they continually open and harrow their ground? 25 When they have leveled its surface, do they not scatter dill, sow cumin, and plant wheat in rows and barley in its proper place, and spelt as the border? 26 For they are well instructed; their God teaches them. 27 Dill is not threshed with a threshing sledge, nor is cart wheel rolled over cumin; but dill is beaten out with a stick, and cumin with a rod. 28 Grain is crushed for bread, but one does not thresh it forever; one drives the cart wheel and horses over it, but does not pulverize it. 29 This also comes from the LORD of hosts; he is wonderful in counsel, and excellent is wisdom.
- A beautiful passage declaring daily faithful work and practical knowledge to be an art taught by God. It’s also an affirmation of lawfulness within creation, everything has its right and effective way.
Wisdom, understanding and revelation from God
Pr 2:1-3,9-10 cry out for understanding
My child … if you treasure us my commandments within you, making your ear attentive to wisdom … if you indeed cry out for insight … for understanding … Then you will understand righteousness and justice and equity, every good path; for wisdom will come into your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul; prudence will watch over you; and understanding will guard you.
Da 1:17,20 God gives understanding
To these four young men God gave knowledge and skill in every aspect of literature and wisdom … In every matter of wisdom and understanding concerning which the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom.
- God knows to give wisdom, skill, intelligence, revelation far beyond human scope if people seek him and use their gifts to serve others.
New Mathematics
- Some people by now are worried the other way round:
- The world population growth rate has actually slowed down: Though the total population is still growing, the ratio by which it is growing is decreasing.
- That leads to predictions of negative population growth as early as 2060, with fearful scenarios of a huge aging population that cannot be sustained anymore by the less populous younger generation. Already BBC ran articles about this!
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- God then seems to say that all the following:
- The resources he has placed in this world, both discovered and undiscovered
- The skill, intelligence, effort and labor ability he has given humans
- The lawfulness, justice, peace and favorable environment his law and accountability to Him will produce
- The wisdom and insight humans can seek and receive of Him
- The blessing He knows how to bestow
- … together is enough to not only feed the world population of the day, but to even create abundance.
- For God human population and world’s resources are not in competition with each other! De 28:11 says “The LORD will make you abound in prosperity, in the fruit of your womb (population), in the fruit of your livestock (animal resources), in the fruit of your ground (vegetation resources)”
- God is able, willing and happy to give increase is all areas together.
- We stare at pie charts in paralysis and wonder how much more we can cut it up. God says: Make the chart bigger!
- There is an attitude, a mindset, a worldview that always produces development, innovation, increase.
- This mind set says: This land is a gift of God. It is a land where milk and honey flows. And if it doesn’t flow quite yet, it soon will!
God giving specific knowledge about the country they are in
De 8:7 streams, springs, underground waters, specific crops, ores
For the LORD your God is bringing you into a good land a land with flowing streams, with springs and underground waters welling up in valleys and hills, 8 a land of wheat and barley, of vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive trees and honey, a land where you may eat bread without scarcity, where you will lack nothing, a land whose stones are iron and from whose hills you may mine copper. You shall eat your fill and bless the LORD your God for the good land that he has given you.
- Specific description of water sources, possible crops and mineral resources: stone > iron, copper
- Today’s’ Israel is comparatively ‘poor’ in comparison with its oil-rich neighbors.
- But the following resources are still mined today:
- Minerals: Dead sea yields potash (> fertilizers), KBr (> bromine, medications), Phosphate rock (> industry, agriculture).
- Metals: some Copper ore, some Magnesium ore > alloys & metal
- Soils: clays, dead sea mineral-rich mud, sand (> glass)
- Natural Gas: offshore near Haifa, increasing
- Crude oil: very little in comparison to neighboring countries
- What would God say to you about the resources, possibilities and riches of your country? What are we not using because we are not ‘seeing it’? What are we not using well because we are not valuing it?
Warning of apostasy in affluence
De 8:11-18
Take care that you do not forget the LORD your God by failing to keep his commandments … 12 When you have eaten your fill and have built fine houses and live in them, 13 and when your herds and flocks have multiplied, and your silver and gold is multiplied, and all that you have is multiplied, then do not exalt yourself, forgetting the LORD your God, who brought you our of the land of Egypt … 16 and fed you in the wilderness with manna that your ancestors did not know, to humble you and to test you, and in the end to do you good. 17 Do not say to yourself, “My power and the might of my own hand have gotten me this wealth.” 18 But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you he power to get wealth, so that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your ancestors, as he is doing today.
- Danger of affluence, well being to lead to self-exaltation, self-reliance, pride
- Prevention: acknowledge the Giver or the gift and the power to make wealth
- Continue to fear and obey God, no ‘cutting corners’ thinking I get away with it.
- Keep yourselves busy with creating opportunity for others, especially the poor and vulnerable to participate in well-being
Ancient description of metallurgy
Jb 28:1-6
Surely there is a mine for silver, and a place for gold to be refined. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and copper is smelted from ore. 3 Miners put an end to darkness, and search out to the farthest bound the one in gloom and deep darkness. 4 They open shafts in a valley away from human habitation; they are forgotten by travelers, they sway suspended, remote from people. 5 As for the earth, out of it comes bread; but underneath it is turned up as by fire. 6 Its stones are the place of sapphires, and its dust contains gold.
Pr 17:3, 21
The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold
- Realistic description of iron, copper, gold and gem mining as well as metal purifying processes.
- By heat (and oxygen) the other components in ore (besides the metal sought) are oxidized and removed.
- The refining process is repeatedly used as a metaphor in the Bible about suffering and adversity testing and purifying humans …”When he has tried me, I shall come forth as gold” (Jb 23:10) … “But who can endure the day of his coming, and who can stand when he appears? Fr he is like a refiner’s fire and a fuller’s soap. 3 He will sit as a refiner and purifier ofsilver, and he will purify the descendants of Levi and refine them like gold and silver” (Ma 3:2-3)
Trade of resources & wealth
Re 18:11-17 proverbially rich and oppressive Babylon destroyed
And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn for her, since no one buys their cargo anymore, 12 cargo or gold, silver, jewels and pearls, fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet, all kinds of scented wood, all articles of ivory, all articles of costly wood, bronze, iron, marble, 13 cinnamon, spice, incense, myrrh, frankincense, wine, olive oil, choice flour and wheat, cattle and sheep, horses and chariots, slaves – and human lives. The merchants of these wares, who gained wealth from her, will stand far off, in fear of her torment, weeping and mourning aloud, 16 Alas, alas, the great city … 17 For in one hour all this wealth has been laid waste.
- The passage describes the destruction of evil men and their opportunist profiteers.
Is 3:18-26 fineries of the rich will not last
In that day the Lord will take away the finery of the anklets, the headbands, and the crescents; 19 the pendant, the bracelets, and the scarfs; 20 the headdresses, the armlets, the sashes, the perfume boxes, and the amulets; 21 the signet rings and nose rings; 22 the festal robes, the mantles, the cloaks, and the handbags; 23 the garments of gauze, the linen garments, the turbans, and the veils. 24 Instead of perfume there will be a stench; and instead of a sash, a rope, and instead of well-set hair baldness; and instead of a rich robe, a binding of sackcloth; instead of beauty, shame.
- Isaiah tries to shake the false security of the oppressive Israelite upper class.
- Though the Bible has no principle prohibition or even discouragement of wealth or trade, wealth through unfair trade, oppression and a widening rich poor gap is condemned.
Land, fertility & climate as resource see SCI 07 - Climatology
Word study: Precious stones in the Bible
H68 272x ‘eben to build; a stone, carbuncle, mason, plummet
G3037 60x lithos a stone (literally or figuratively)
Ge 2:11 , 12 Havilah has good gold, bdellium, onyx
Ex 28:17-20, 39:10-13 High priest’s breastplate: carnelian, chrysolite, emerald, tur-
quoise, sapphire, moonstone, jacinth, agate, amethyst, beryl, onyx, jasper
Re 21:19 The foundation walls of the city are adorned with every jewel: jasper,
sapphire, agate, emerald, onyx, carnelian, chrysolite, beryl, topaz,
chrysophrase, jacinth, amethyst.
These two lists are probably parallel, but definite translation of different precious stones is difficult (variations).
1 H124 3x o’-dem redness, ruby, garnet, red gem, sardius, carnelian
6 G4556 1x sardios from an uncertain base; sardius.
2 H6357 4x piṭdâh foreign derivation; a gem, the topaz, Chrysolite
9 G5116 1x topazion of uncertain origin
3 H1304 3x bâreqath a gem (as flashing), perhaps the emerald, carbuncle.
4 G4665 1x smaragdos Of uncertain derivation; emerald or green gem
4 H5306 4x nôphek to glisten; shining; a gem, garnet, emerald, turquoise
5 H5601 11x sappı̂yr a gem, the sapphire
2 G4552 1x sappheiros Of Hebrew origin (H5601); lapis-lazuli gem, sapphire.
6 H3095 3x yahălôm hardness, onyx, diamond, moonstone, sardonyx
7 H3958 2x leshem a gem, perhaps the jacinth: – ligure, amber
11 G5192 1x huakinthos uncertain derivation; jacinth, gem of deep blue color,
probably the zirkon
8 H7618 2x shebû flashes, streamers, flame; a gem, sparkle, agate
9 H306 2x ‘achlâmâh and thus dream stone
12 G271 1x amethustost amethyst.
10 H8658 7x tarshı̂ysh a gem, perhaps the topaz: – beryl, chalcedony
11 H7718 11x shôham blanch; a gem, beryl, from its pale green color, onyx
8 G969 1x bērullos Of uncertain derivation; beryl.
12 H3471 3x yâshphêh to polish; a gem, a jasper (from resemblance in name)
3 G5472 1x chalkēdōn copper like, that is chalcedony.
5 G4557 1x sardonux the nail of a finger; hence onyx, sardonyx
7 G5555 1x chrusolithos gold stone, that is, a yellow gem: – chrysolite.
10 G5556 1x chrusoprasos a leek
Ez 28:13 Lists of precious stones in the description of the prideful King of Tyre (interpreted to refer to Satan also). 9 out of 9 of the precious stones mentioned are also in the high priestly breastplate (all except those with 2 occurrences), and none other are added. This probably adds to the picture of pride and self-exaltation.
Re 21:11 Jerusalem from heaven has the glory of God and a radiance like a very rare jewel, like jasper, clear as crystal (4x in Revelation).
Word study: Gold in the Bible
H2091 zâhâb to shimmer; gold, golden, gold colored, yellow, as oil, clear sky, gold, golden, fair weather. 417 occurrences
Ge 2:11 , 12 Havilah has good gold, bdellium, onyx
Ge 13:2, 24:35 Abraham rich in cattle, silver gold
Ge 24:22 Eliezer taking bride price gold, jewels, raiment
Ge 41:42 Joseph honored by Pharaoh: vestments, gold
Ge 44:8 Gold as currency
Ex 3:22,11:2,12:35 Israelites borrowing gold, silver, jewels, raiment
Ex 20:33 gods of gold and silver
Ex 25:3 offering for the tabernacle: gold, silver, brass,
Ex 25-26, 1 Ki 6:20 Tabernacle, boards, curtain clasps overlaid with gold. Solid gold: ark, altar of incense, show bread table, lamp stand, dishes, utensils
Ex 28 woven into screen, priest & high priestly clothes, shoulder piece, crown
Ex 32:24, 35:5,22,32 Gold offering to Aaron > makes a golden calf
Nu 7:14 gifts of the tribal leaders, spoon 10 shekels of gold
Nu 22-25 Balaam is offered silver, gold, honor
Nu 31:22, 50 Spoil of Midian purified by fire & offered to God: gold, silver, brass, iron
De 7:25, 29:17 Do not desire gold, silver, on foreign gods, abominations
De 8:13 Remember God when you are rich and have herds, flocks, gold, …
De 17:17 Limitations on king: not to multiply gold
Jo 6:19, 24,7:21,24 Conquest of Jericho: only gold, silver, brass, iron looted > to God
Jo 22:8 Conquest: much cattle, riches, gold, silver, brass, iron, raiment
Ju 8:26 Gideon requests gold after successful war > ephod
1 Sa 6:8 Philistines return Israel’s arch with gold as a guilt offering
2 Sa 1:24 David’s eulogy over Saul: population clothed in scarlet, gold
2 Sa 8:7,10-11,12:30, 1 Ki 7:51 David dedicates looted or given gold, silver > to temple
2 Sa 21:4 Gibeonites don’t’ want gold, silver for restitution
1 Ki 9:11,14 Hiram of Tyre had given cedars, firs, gold, … paid in cities
1 Ki 9:28, 10:2, 10-11, 10:14-18,2-22,25 Solomon swimming in gold, many riches
1 Ki 12:28 Jeroboam makes golden calves at Bethel and Dan
1 Ki 14:26 Pharaoh Shishak conquers from Judah temple treasure, gold shields
1 Ki 15:15 King Asa of Judah giving gold, silver, vessels to temple
1 Ki 15:18-19 King Asa of Judah gives treasures to Benhadad for alliance
1 Ki 20:3,5,7 King Benhadad claiming Israel’s King’s gold, wives, children
1 Ki 22:48 King Jehoshaphat of Judah sends ships for gold > broken
2 Ki 5:5 Benhadad, Naaman send gold, silver, to Elisha for healing
2 Ki 7:8 Siege of Samaria by Aram > all fled > lepers discover loot
2 Ki 12:13, 18 King Jehoash of Judah restores temple
2 Ki 14:14 Jehoash of Israel loots Amaziah of Judzh: gold, silver, temple treasure
2 Ki 16:8 King Ahaz of Judah sends gold, silver > Assyria for alliance
2 Ki 18:14-16 King Hezekiah of Judah sends gold, silver to appease Assyria
2 Ki 20:13 King Hezekiah shows gold, silvers, treasures to Babylonians
2 Ki 23:33 Pharaoh Neco deposes Jehoahaz, takes tribute of silver, gold
2 Ki 23:35 King Jehoiakim of Judah gives tribute in gold to Pharaoh
2 Ki 24:13 Babylon captures Jerusalem (2nd), take gold vessels of temple
2 Ki 25:15 Babylon captures Jerusalem (3rd), carries off everything 586 BC
Ez 1:4-6,9-11,2:69, 5:14,7:15,-18,8:25-33, 7:70-72 Donations return to Jerusalem: gold
Es 1:6-7 Riches of the Medo-Persian court
Es 8:15, Ps 21:3, 72:15 Mordecai honored with apparel, gold. King.
Jb 23:10 When he has tried me, I shall come forth as gold
Ps 115:4, 135:15, Is 2:20, 30:22, 31:7, 40:19, 46:6, Je 10:4,9, Da 5:4,23, Ho 8:4, Hb 2:19 idols are only men’s work, done up with gold and silver
Is 2:7 Philistia full of gold, silver, treasures, horses, chariots
Is 13:17 Medes have no regard for silver, gold
Is 60:6, 9, 17 Promise of Restoration: Sheba, islands shall bring gold
Je 4:30 Jeremiah denouncing luxuries: crimson, ornaments, gold,
Ez 7:19, Zp 1:18 gold, silver will not be able to deliver them in the day of wrath
Ez 16:13, 17 Israel & Judah’s story: once rich > gave to lovers silver, silk, oil
Ez 27:22 Lamentation over Tyre: spices, precious stones, gold traded
Ez 28:4,13, Zc 9:3 King of Tyre amassed wealth, gold by wisdom, understanding
Ez 38:13 Gog, wanting to raid and plunder, silver, gold, cattle, goods
Da 2:32,35,38,45 Daniel’s statue: hierarchy of value of metals: gold >silver>brass >iron
Da 3:1 Nebuchadnezzar made a huge gold image demanding worship
Da 5:4,7,23 Drunken Belshazzar praises idols of gold, silver, wood >judgment
Da 5:16 ,29 Daniel honored with position, gold chain
Da 11:8 Conflict of the Seleucid and Ptolemaic rulers: looting of gold
Da 11:38 Seleucid ruler Antiochus Epiphanes will establish new idol
Hos 2:8 Israel doesn’t know God who gave provision, gives gold to Baal
Jl 3:5 Sidon, Tyre took Israel’s temple treasure > gave it to idols
Na 2:9 God calling people to plunder Niniveh’s treasures
Ze 1:18 Judah, your silver and gold will not save you at God’s judgment
Hg 2:8 God declares: the silver, the gold is mine
Zc 6:11 Zechariah’s vision: a crown made for the priests from silver, gold
Zc 13:9, Ma 3:3 God will refine Israel as silver, gold is tried through fire
Mt 2:11 Wise men from the East offer gold, frankincense, myrrh
Mt 10:9 Jesus sending out disciples: take no gold, silver, provision
Mt 23:16-17 Jesus attacking false oaths by ‘the gold of the temple’
Ac 3:6 Peter: silver and gold I have not, but such as I can, I will give
Ac 17:29 Paul preaching in Athens: Don’t think of God like a gold idol
Ac 20:33 Paul clearing himself (Ephesus): I have coveted no one’s gold
1 Ti 2:9, 1 Pe 3:3 Paul instructs believers to be modestly adorned: not gold, pearls
Jm 2:2 James warns of treating a rich person different
Re 4:4 ff Many things in Revelation are described as of gold
Word study: Iron in the Bible 101x
H1270 76x barzel iron (as cutting); iron instrument: ax head
H6523 20x parzel Chaldee word for ‘iron’, only in Daniel
G4603 5x sidēreos made of iron, of iron.
Ge 4:22 Pre-flood: Tubal-cain produces and uses brass & iron
Nu 31:22-23 Israel loots Midian: gold, silver, brass, iron, tin, lead passed through fire for purification, 1405 BC
De 3:11 Amorite King Og of Bashan: giant iron bedstead
De 4:20,1 Ki 8:51 Metaphor: Egypt is called an iron furnace
De 27:5 , Jo 8:31 Prohibition of iron tools in altar building
De 28:23 Metaphor: heaven like brass, earth like iron, meaning no rain, infertility
De 28:48 Curses: serve your enemy, who will put a yoke of iron on neck
De 33:25 Metaphor for blessing: Your shoes shall be iron and brass
Jo 6:19,24 Conquest: silver, gold, vessels of brass & iron > God’s treasury
Jo 17:16,18, Jg 1:19 Canaanite chariots of iron (Bethshean, Jezreel) can be defeated
Jo 22:8 Trans-jordan tribes with riches, cattle, silver, gold, brass, iron, raiment
Jg 4:3,13 Israel faces Aram & 900 chariots of iron > cry to God > delivered
1 Sa 17:7 Canaanite Goliath’s spear head is 600 shekels of iron
2 Sa 12:31, 1 Ch 20:3 Defeats Ammon put under saws, iron harrows, axes
2 Sa 23:7 Danger of touching godless: with iron bar or shaft of spear only
1 Ki 6:7 Temple building: no hammer, ax, tool of iron heard in the house
1 Ki 22:11,2Ch 18:10, Je 28:3 False prophet Zedekiah’s symbol: horns of iron
2 Ki 6:6 Elisha helping with lost borrowed ax head
1 Ch 22:3,14,16, 29:2 David stores for temple: iron, nails, brass, iron without weight
1 Ch 29:7 5000 talents gold, 10’000 silver, 18’000 brass, 100’000 iron
2 Ch 2:7,14 Solomon requests skilled metal worker from Hiram of Tyre
2 Ch 24:12 Repairs by Jehoash: masons, carpenters, iron & brass workers
Jb 19:24,40:18,41:27, Ps 2:9,105:18, Je 1:18, 15:12, 17:1, Ez 4:3, Da 4:15,23, 7:7,19, Am 1:3, Mi 4:13, Re 9:9 Metaphor meaning hard, strong
Ps 107:10, Je 11:4, 28:14 Metaphor for hardship
Ps 107:16, 149:8, Is 10:34, 45:2 God breaks the gates of brass, cuts the bars of iron
Pr 27:17 Iron sharpens iron
Ec 10:10 unsharpened iron tool > needs more strength to wield
Is 48:4, Je 6:28 Metaphor for obstinacy: your neck is an iron sinew
Is 60:17 Restoration promise: for iron > silver, for stones > iron
Ez 22:18,20 Metaphor: Israel is iron, silver dross in the furnace. God: I will melt you
Ez 27:12,19, Re 18:12 Tyre, Tarshish, Dan, Javan, Babylon’s trade: silver, iron, tin, …
Da 2:33, 34-35,40-45 Daniel’s vision of Statue of gold, silver, brass, iron & clay
Ac 12:10 Peter’s supernatural freeing from prison: iron gate opens by itself
1 Ti 4:2 Metaphor describing false teachers: conscience seared with hot iron
Re 2:27,12:5,19:15 Quoting Messianic prophecy in Ps 2:9 “he shall rule with rod of iron”